
Chinese Progressive Political Action
Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund

Chinese Progressive Political Action

Environmental League of Massachusetts Action Fund

Greater Boston Labor Council
Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus PAC

Greater Boston Labor Council

Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus PAC

Sierra Club of Massachusetts

Sierra Club of Massachusetts

Elected Officials

Jason Lewis

State Senator for the 5th Middlesex District

Ari is a dedicated community builder with an impressive record of getting the job done. We've worked together for years to deliver results for Malden — to bring the ARTLine to Malden, to help pass a law outlawing child marriage in Massachusetts to protect our kids, and to raise the minimum wage.

I know Ari will be a responsive and hard working City Councillor because I've seen her in action for years, volunteering and serving on community boards. And I know she'll be a strong partner for my office to make sure Malden gets the resources it needs. I hope you'll join me to support Ari — and remember to vote November 7th!

Malden City Councillor At Large

As a Ward 5 resident and Forestdale School parent, I appreciate Ari’s deep ties to our neighborhood and her incredible work ethic. She knows our residents and our needs. She’s campaigned this year with great energy, working hard to listen and connect with every voter — and I know that’s the kind of City Councillor she will be.

As a member of the City Council, I know it takes a team effort to get things done for our community. Ari shares my core values. She knows how to build bridges and consensus to get big things done. She has a track record of accomplishments here in Malden from her impressive years of volunteer service. I know she’ll be a great partner to have on the Council and I'm excited for the chance to work with her to accomplish great things for our neighborhood.

Ari and I are both committed to making Malden a better place for all our families, building on what works and embracing new ideas. Our shared goals include strengthening our diverse community so everyone feels heard, building on our city-wide Climate Action Plan, and bringing people together to solve our challenges so we can create a bright future for Malden — together.

Tara Beardsley

Former Malden School Committee Member — Ward 5

As a former elected official in Ward 5, I appreciate how well Ari understands our neighborhood and our residents. Ari isn't just a hard worker — she really listens. And I know how important that is to doing this job well.

When the debate about grass vs. turf came up at Roosevelt Park, Ari took the time to ask Salemwood residents, especially those who live adjacent to the park, what they want and need — and she really listened. While Ari and I agree that grass should be maintained at Roosevelt, we also agree that the residents most impacted need to be heard. Ari's approach on this issue gives me confidence that she will be a strong and effective advocate for all the residents of Ward 5.

Dave Camell

Former Malden City Councillor — Ward 6

I've known Ari for over 30 years. I've seen first hand her tireless work ethic and her commitment to making Ward 5 and our entire City a great place to live.

Ari will be an incredibly valuable addition to our City Council. I know she will work her heart out for the residents of Ward 5.

Dawn Macklin

Malden School Committee Member — Ward 4
Vice Chair of Malden Human Rights and Fair Housing Commission
Co-Founder of Merry Malden Holiday Drive

In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, Ward 3 City Councillor Amanda Linehan and I created a holiday drive called Merry Malden to help spread much needed cheer throughout the City.

Every year for the past 3 years, Ari has been one of our most devoted sponsors and volunteers. She's helped raise funds, helped shop for the best bargains to stretch our donations as far as possible so we can serve as many families as possible, and helped coordinate deliveries to the homes of needy families. Merry Malden continues to grow every year thanks to Ari's dedication.

I know Ari will bring the same selflessness and work ethic to the job of Ward 5 City Councillor. I hope you’ll join me to support Ari on November 7th!

Amanda Linehan

Malden City Councillor — Ward 3

Ari is exactly the kind of hard-working, passionate person I want to work with on the Malden City Council. 

Ari is a well-respected community leader who builds coalitions and inspires others with every project she takes on. I've watched her empower our youth, seniors, and countless neighbors in need with tact, compassion, and sincerity. 

Ari is a bridge builder in our community. She’s a born-and-raised Maldonian who has deep ties and knowledge of the City. She also goes out of her way to be welcoming and helpful to new residents navigating Malden for the first time, whether that’s through her job helping folks buy their first home, or through programs she's created and helped organize like the Pride Crosswalks, Merry Malden, and PorchFest.

As a fellow mom who also serves as a Ward Councillor, I know that this job is both challenging and rewarding, requires excellent time management and organization skills, and demands an ability to get things done — all qualities Ari possesses. She will hit the ground running from day one.

I am eager to serve alongside experienced, dedicated public servants who listen to residents and help our wonderful city, and I know that Ari has what it takes. Join me in supporting Ari Taylor for Malden City Council on November 7th!

Ward 5 Residents & Business Owners

Kate LeBlanc

Princeton Road resident

I'm voting for Ari to be our next City Councillor for Ward 5 because she has demonstrated her deep commitment to our community and to public service throughout her life.

Ari does the work and walks the walk of her inclusive, progressive values.

Mathew Helman

Crestview Drive resident

I've spent more than twenty years working in state and local government. I know that effective representation starts with a deep commitment to constituent service.

Ari has this quality in spades. I appreciate how dedicated she is to advocating for residents in every part of Ward 5 — and working to make Malden the best it can be.

Nancy Free

Pierce Street resident

I’ve seen first hand Ari’s amazing work ethic. If she says she’ll get it done, it gets done. She is dependable and tireless. She will be a strong advocate for Ward 5 on the City Council.

I also appreciate Ari’s dedication to increasing civic engagement, improving quality of life for seniors, and protecting our environment.

Jackie Ecker

Lanark Road resident

I've known Ari for several years and I have always been really impressed by how much she cares about Malden and by how engaged she is in the community.

Ari has the skills and experience to be an excellent Ward 5 Councilor. She has deep ties to Malden and I truly think she will be a knowledgeable and passionate advocate for all Ward 5 residents and families. And I know Ari will always stand up for all families — and for residents who are vulnerable and need a voice.

Mary Williams

Owner of Stand Up 8 Dance Studio in Maplewood Square

I was born and raised in Maplewood Square — and I’ve owned a small business here for several years.

Ari has been a champion for our business. During the pandemic, Ari stood by us when we were forced to close our doors temporarily. She offered her support, attended every fundraiser we organized to stay afloat, and provided invaluable advice to help us overcome obstacles so we could adapt to the changing circumstances.

Ari's dedication to supporting small businesses like ours is a testament to her genuine concern for the well-being of our community. I know Ari will be a strong advocate on the City Council for keeping Maplewood Square vibrant — for business owners and for residents too.

Ari embodies the qualities that make a great City Councillor. She loves Malden, its residents, and is deeply committed to its improvement. Her work ethic and dedication are amazing. I have no doubt that Ari will put her heart and soul into serving as Ward 5 City Councillor and I urge my fellow residents to join me in supporting her.

(Mother & Daughter)
Forest Street residents

We’re voting for Ari because Ward 5 needs a Councillor with integrity. We’ve known Ari for years. She leads by example and holds herself to the highest standard of ethics, honesty, and empathy for all her neighbors.

We also need a Councillor who is ready on day one to get the job done. Ari’s record of service to Malden is amazing. She’s helped create, fund and strengthen so many community institutions — like Malden Porchfest, the Merry Malden Holiday Drive, and UMA (formerly MATV).

We hope you’ll join us to vote for Ari on November 7th!

Ari and I agree that Malden needs to diversify its economic development strategies to ensure we have adequate revenue in the future. This is just one example of one of Ari’s best leadership qualities: creative problem solving. The challenges that face a Ward Councillor change every day — and Ari is absolutely up to the task. Please join me to support Ari on November 7th!

Bowers Avenue resident

Ward 5 needs a Councillor who steps up without hesitation when there’s a need in the community, who will get the job done. I know Ari will be that kind of leader because I’ve seen firsthand that service is embedded in her character.

I work in the mental health field. During the height of the pandemic, I frequently had clients in crisis who needed to find emergency housing to avoid homelessness. Ari was always available to help in these situations even though it wasn’t her job.

I know Ari will be a responsive, reliable, compassionate City Councillor — for all of us. I hope you’ll join me to vote for Ari!

Pierce Street resident